Parallel IO in MsPASS

Gary L. Pavlis

What is parallel IO and why is it needed?

There is an old adage in higher performance computing that a supercomputer is a machine that turns CPU-bound jobs into IO-bound jobs. Any user of MsPASS who runs the framework on a sufficiently large number of nodes will learn the truth of that adage if they throw enough cores at a data processing problem they need to solve. Few seismologists have the background in computing to understand the fundamental reasons why that claim is true, so I will first briefly review the forms of IO in MsPASS and how they can limit performance.

Axiom one to understand about IO is that ALL IO operations have a potential bottleneck defined by the size of the pipe (IO channel) the data are being pushed/pulled through. If you are moving the data through a network channel the highest throughput possible is the number of bytes/s that channel can handle. If you are reading/writing data to a local disk the most data you can push through is speed the disk can sustain for reads/writes. I next discuss factors in MsPASS that define how MsPASS may or may not saturate different IO channels.

Like everything in computing IO systems have evolved significantly with time. At present there are three fundamentally different IO systems MsPASS handles.

  1. Regular file IO. For decades normal reads and writes to a file system are defined by a couple of key abstractions. The first is buffering. When you “open” a file in any computing language the language creates a data object we can generically call a “file handle” (a “FILE” in C and often called a “file object” in python documentation). Under the hood that file handle always includes a “buffer” that is a block of contiguous memory used by any reads or writes with that file handle. A write happens very fast if the buffer is not full because the pipe speed is defined by memory bandwidth. Similarly, reads are very fast if the data are already loaded into memory. That process has been tuned for decades in operating system code to make such operations as fast as possible. Problems happen when you try to push more data than the buffer size or try to read a block of data larger than the buffer. Then the speed depends upon how fast the disk controller (network file servers for distributed files) can move the data from a disk to the buffer. Similar constraints occur when reading more data that can fit in the buffer. The second concept that is important to undertand for regular file IO is blocking. All current file IO operations in MsPASS use blocking IO, which is the default for standard IO operations in C++ and python. There are many online articles on this concept, but the simple idea is that when you issue a read or write function call in C++ or python (the two primary languages used directly in MsPASS) the program stops until the operating system defines the operation as completed. That delay will be small if the data written fit in the buffer or being read are already loaded in the buffer. It not, the program sits in a wait state until the operating system says it is ready.

  2. Network connections. Internet IO is a much more complex operation than file-based IO. Complexity also means the variance of performance is wildly variable. There are a least three fundamental reasons for that in the current environment. First, the two ends of a connection are usually completely independent. For example, MsPASS has support for web-service queries from FDSN data centers. Those sources have wildly different performance, but they all have one thing in common: they have glacial speeds relative to any HPC cluster IO channel. Second, long-haul connections are always slower than a local connection. Packets from remote sources often have to move through dozens of routers while local internet connections in a cluster/cloud system can by many orders of magnitude faster. Finally, in every example I know of internet data movement involves far more computer software lines to handle the complexity of the operations. As a result internet IO operations always consume more CPU cycles than simple file-based IO operations. In MsPASS internet operation are currently limited to web-service interaction with FDSN data centers, but it is expected that cloud computing support that we are planning to develop will involve some form of internet-style IO within the cloud service.

  3. MongoDB transactions. In MsPASS we use MongoDB as a database to manage data. MongoDB, like all modern dbms system, uses a client-server model for all transactions with the database. Without “getting into the weeds”, to use a cliche, the key idea is that interactions with MongoDB are all done through a manager (the MongoDB server). That is, an application can’t get any data stored in the database without politely asking the manager (server). (Experienced readers will recognize that almost all internet services also use some form of this abstraction.) The manager model will always introduce a delay because any operation requires multiple IO interactions: request operation, server acknowledge, ready, receive, acknowledge success. Some of those are not required in some operations but the point is a conversation is required between the application and the server that always introduces some delay. That delay is nearly always a lifetime in CPU cycles. In our experience a typical single, simple MongoDB transaction like insert_one takes at least of the order of a millisecond. That may seem fast to you as a human, but keep in mind that is about a million clock cycles on a modern CPU. On the other hand, “bulk” operations (e.g. insert_many) with this model often take about the same length of time as a single document transaction like insert_one. In addition, MongoDB “cursor” objects help the server anticipate the next request and also dramatically improves database throughput. The point is, that appropriate use of bulk operators can significantly enhance database throughput. We discuss implementation details of how bulk read/writes have been exploited in the parallel readers and writers of MsPASS.


At the time this document was written IRIS/Earthscope was in the process of developing a fundamental revision of their system to run in a cloud system. IO in cloud systems has it’s own complexity that we defer for now. When that system mature and MsPASS evolves to use it look for updates to this section. Parallel IO and cloud systems have an intimate relation, and we anticipate future use of parallel file systems in the cloud environment could dramatically improve the performance of some workflows.

With that introduction what then is parallel IO? Like most modern computing ideas that one can mean different things in different contexts. In the context of MsPASS at present it means exploiting the parallel framework to reduce IO bottlenecks. I emphasize reduce because almost any workflow can become IO bound if you throw enough processors at it. Tuning a workflow often means finding the right balance of memory and number of CPUs needed to get the most throughput possible. In any case, the approach used at present is to utilize multiple workers operating independently. Since almost all seismic processing jobs boil down to read, process, and write the results, the issue is how to balance the read and writes at the start and end of the chain with CPU tasks in the middle.

In the current implementation of MsPASS parallel IO is centered on two functions defined in the module called read_distributed_data and write_distributed_data. At present the best strategy in MsPASS to reduce IO bottlenecks is to use these two functions as the first and last steps of a parallel workflow. I now describe details of how these two functions operate and limitations of what they can do. I finish this section with examples of how the parallel readers and writes can be used in a parallel workflow. Note that to simplify the API we designed this interface to handle both atomic and ensemble objects. The way the two are handled in reads and writes, however, are drastically different. Hence, there is a subsection for the reader and writer descriptions below for atomic (TimeSeries and Seismogram data) and ensemble (TimeSeriesEnsemble and SeismogramEnsemble data).

read_distributed_data - MsPASS parallel reader


The docstring for this function is an important sidebar to this section. As usual it gives details about usage, but also discusses a bit of an oddity of this function I reiterate here. The design goal to use a common function name to create a parallel container for all seismic data objects and at the same time provide the mechanism to parallelize the reader created some anomalies in the argument structure. In particular, three arguments to this function interact to define the input needed to generate a parallel container when the lazy(spark)/delayed(dask) operations are initiated (the operation usually initiated by a dask compute or pyspark collect). The docstring for the read_distibuted_data function gives more details, but a key point is that arg0 (data in the function definition) can be one of three things: (1) a mspasspy.db.database.Database object, (2) an implementation of a Dataframe (dask, pyspark, or pandas), or (3) a list of python dictionaries that define valid MongoDB queries. The first two options can be used to create a parallel dataset of atomic seismic objects. Item 3 is the only direct mechanism in MsPASS to create a parallel dataset of ensembles. I describe how that works in the two sections below on atomic and ensemble data.

Atomic data

A bag/RDD of atomic data can be constructed by read_distributed_data from one of two possible inputs: (1) MongoDB documents retrieved through a mspasspy.db.database.Database handle driven by an optional query, or (2) an implementation of a Dataframe. It is important to realize that both cases set the initial content the bag/RDD as the same thing: a sequence of python dictionaries that are assumed to be MongoDB documents with sufficient content to allow construction of one atomic seismic object from each document.

Forming the initial bag/RDD of documents has different input delay issues for Dataframe versus Database input. It important to recognize the strengths and weaknesses of the alternative inputs.

  1. Dataframe. Both dask and pyspark have parallel implementations for Dataframe. For either scheduler creating the initial bag/RDD amounts to converter methods defined for that scheduler. Specifically, for dask we use the to_bag method of their Dataframe and for pyspark we run the to_dict method to convert the Dataframe to a pyspark RDD. Whether or not this input type is overall faster than reading form a Database depends upon how you create the Dataframe. We implemented Dataframe as an input option mainly to support import of data indexed via a relational database system. In particular, dask and spark both have well-polished interfaces for interaction with any SQL server. In addition, although not fully tested at this writing, an Antelope “wfdisc” table can be imported into a dask or spark Dataframe through standard text file readers. I would warn any reader that the the devil is in the details in actually using a relational database via this mechanism, but prototypes demonstrate that approach is feasible for the framework. You should just realize there is not yet any standard solution.

  2. Database. Creating a bag/RDD of atomic objects from a Database is done with a completely different algorithm but the algorithm uses a similar intermediate container to build the bag/RDD. An important detail we implemented for performance is that the process uses a MongoDB cursor to create an intermediate (potentially large) list of python dictionaries. With dask that list is converted to a bag with the from_sequence method. With spark the RDD is created directly from the standard parallelize method of SparkContext. A key point is that a using a cursor to sequentially load the entire data set has a huge impact on speed. The same list of data loaded using a MongoDB cursor versus the same documents loaded randomly by single document queries differ by many orders of magnitude. The reason is that MongoDB stages (buffers) documents that define the cursor sequence. A sequential read with a cursor is largely limited by the throughput of the network connection between a worker and the MongoDB server. On the other hand, that approach is memory intensive as the read_distributed_data by default will attempt to read the entire set of documents into the memory of the scheduler node. Most wf documents when loaded are of the order of 100’s of bytes. Hence, a million wf document list will require of the order of 0.1 Gbytes, which on modern computers is relatively small. Anticipating the possibility of even larger data sets in the future, however, read_distributed_data has a scratchfile option that will first load the documents into a scratch file and use an appropriate dask or spark file-reader to reduce the memory footprint of creating the bag/RDD.

Both input modes create an intermediate bag/RDD equivalent to a large list of documents. The function internally contains a map operator that calls the constructor for either TimeSeries or Seismogram objects from the attributes stored in each document. The output of the function with atomic data is then an bag/RDD of the atomic data defined by the specified collection argument. Note that any constructor failures in the reader with have the boolean attribute with the key is_abortion set True. The name is appropriate since objects that fail on constructor a “unborn”.

Ensemble data

Building a bag/RDD of ensembles is a very different problem than building a bag/RDD of atomic objects. The reason is that ensembles are more-or-less grouped bundles of atomic data. In earlier versions of MsPASS we experimented with assembling ensembles with a reduce operator. That can be done and it works, BUT is subject to a very serious memory hogging problem as described in the section on memory management. For that reason, we implemented some complexity in read_distributed_data to reduce the memory footprint of a parallel job using ensembles.

We accomplished that in read_distributed_data by using a completely different model to tell the function that the input is expected to define an ensemble. Specifically, the third option for the type of arg0 (data symbol in the function signature) is a list of python dictionaries. Each dictionary is ASSUMED to be a valid MongoDB query that defines the collection of documents that can be used to construct the group defining a particular ensemble. Between the oddity of MongoDB’s query language and the abstraction of what an ensemble means it is probably best to provide an example to clarify what I mean. The following can be used to create a bag of TimeSeriesEnsemble objects that are a MsPASS version of a “common source/shot gather”:

srcid_list = db.wf_TimeSeries.distinct('source_id')
for srcid in srcid_list:
  querylist.append({'source_id' : srcid})
data = read_distributed_data(querylist,collection='wf_TimeSeries')
... processing code goes here ...

Notice that the for loop creates a list of python dictionaries that when used with the MongoDB collection find method will yield a cursor. Internally the function iterates over that cursor to load the atomic data to create ensemble container holding that collection of data. A weird property of that concept in this context, however, is that when and where that happens is controlled by the scheduler. That is, I reiterate that read_enemble_data only creates the template defining the task the workflow has to complete to “read” the data and emit a container of, in this case, TimeSeriesEnsemble objects. That is why this is a parallel reader because for this workflow the scheduler would assign each worker a read operation for one ensemble as a task. Hence, constructing the ensembles, like the atomic case above, is always done with one each worker initiating a processing chain by constructing, in the case above, a TimeSeriesEnsemble that is passed down the processing chain.

There is one other important bit of magic in the read_distributed_data that is important to recognize if you need to maximize input speed. read_distributed_data can exploit a feature of mspasspy.db.database.Database that can dramatically reduce reading time for large ensembles. When reading ensembles if the storage_mode argument is set to “file”, the data were originally written with the (default) format of “binary”, and the file grouping matches the ensemble (e.g. for the source grouping example above the sample data are stored in files grouped by source_id.) there is an optimized algorithm to load the data. In detail, the algorithm sorts the inputs by the “foff” attribute and reads the sample data sequentially with C++ function using the low-level binary C function fread. That algorithm can be very fast as buffering creates minimal delays in successive reads and, more importantly, reduces the number of file open/close pairs compared to a simpler iterative loop with atomic readers. See the docstring of mspasspy.db.database.Database for details.

write_distributed_data - MsPASS parallel writer


Parallel writes present a different problem from reading. The simplest, but not fastest, approach to writing data is to use the save_data method of mspasspy.db.database.Database in a loop. Here is a (not recommended) way to terminate a workflow in that way for a container of TimeSeries objects:

...  Processing workflow above with map/reduce operations ...
data =,storage_mode='file')

Although the save operation will operate in parallel it is has two hidden inefficiencies that can increase run time.

  1. Every single datum will invoke at least one transaction with the MongoDB server to save the wf document created from the Metadata of each TimeSeries in the container. Worse, if we had used the default storage_mode of “gridfs” the sample data for each datum would have to be pushed through the same MongoDB server used for storing the wf documents.

  2. Each save is this algorithm requires an open, seek, write, close operation on a particular file defined for that datum.

The write_distributed_data function was designed to reduce these known inefficiencies. For the first, the approach used for both atomic and enemble data is to do bulk database insertions. At present the only mechanism for reducing the impact of item 2 is to utilize ensembles and store the waveform data in naturally grouped files. (see examples below)


A possible strategy to improve IO performance with atomic operations is to use on of several implementation of parallel files. With that model the atomic-level open/close inefficiency could potentially be removed. The MsPASS team has experimented with this approach but because there is currently no standardized support for that feature. Future releases may add that capability.

An additional issue with saving data stored in a bag/RDD is a memory issue. That is, most online examples of using dask or spark terminate a workflow with a call to the scheduler’s method used to convert a lazy/delayed/futures entity (bag or RDD) into a result. (The dask function is compute and the comparable pyspark function is collect.). Prior to V2 of MsPASS the save_data function, if used as above, would return a copy of the datum is saved. In working with large data sets we learned that following such a save with compute or collect could easily abort the workflow with a memory fault. The reason is that the return of compute and collect when called on a bag/RDD is an (in memory) python list of the data in the container. To reduce the incidence of this problem beginning in V2 save_data was changed to return only the ObjectId of the saved waveform by default. For the same reason write_distributed_data does something similar; it returns a list of the ObjectIds of saved wf documents. In fact, that is the only thing it ever returns. That has a very important corollary that all users must realize; write_distributed_data can ONLY be used as the termination of a distinct processing sequence. It cannot appear as the function to be applied in a map operator. In fact, user’s must recognize that unless it aborts with a usage exception, write_distributed_data always calls dask bag’s compute method or pyspark’s rdd collect method immediately before returning. That means that write_distributed_data always initiates any pending delayed/lazy computations defined earlier in the script for the container. Here is a typical fragment for atomic data:

data = read_distributed_data(db,collection='wf_TimeSeries')
data =
# other processing functions in map operators would typically go here
wfidslist = write_distributed_data(data,collection='wf_TimeSeries')
# wfidslist will be a python list of ObjectIds

Saving an intermediate copy of a dataset within a workflow is currently considered a different problem than that solved by write_distributed_data. Example 4 in the “Examples” section below illustrates how to do an intermediate save.

In addition to efficiency concerns, users should also always keep in mind that before starting a large processing task they should be sure the target of the save has sufficient storage to hold the processed data. The target of all saves is controlled at the top level by the storage_mode argument. There are currently two options. When using the default of “gridfs” keep in mind the data sample will be stored in the same file system as the database. When storage_mode=”file” is used the storage target depends upon how the user chooses to set the two attributes dir and dfile. They control the file names where the sample data will be written. Below I describe how to set these two attributes in each datum of a parallel dataset.

Atomic data

Atomic data are handled in three stages by write_distributed_data. These three stages are a pipeline with a bag/RDD entering the top of the pipeline and a list of ObjectIds flowing out the bottom.

  1. The sample data of all live data (The sample data for any datum marked dead are always dropped.) are saved. That operation occurs in a map operator so each worker performs this operation independently. Note the limitation that with gridfs storage all that data has to be pushed through the MongoDB server. For file storage an open, seek, write, close operation is required for each datum. If multiple workers attempt to write to the same file, file locking can impact throughput. Note that is not, however, at all a recommendation to create one file per datum. As discussed elsewhere that is a very bad idea with large data sets.

  2. Documents to be saved are created from the Metadata of each live datum. The resulting documents are returned in a map operation to overwrite the data in the bag/RDD. At the same stage dead data are either “buried” or “cremated”. The former can be a bottleneck with large numbers of data marked dead as it initiates a transaction with MongoDB to save a skeleton of each dead datum in the “cemetery” collection. If the data are “cremated” no record of them will appear in the Database.

  3. The documents that now make up the bag/RDD are saved to the Database. The speed of that operation is enhanced by using a bulk insert by “partition” (bag and RDD both define the idea of a partition. See the appropriate documentation for details.) That reduces the number of transactions with the MongoDB to the order of \(N/N_p\) where \(N\) is the number of atomic data and \(N_p\) is the number of partitions defined for the bag/RDD. Said another way, that algorithm reduces the time to save the wf documents by approximately a factor of \(1/N_p\).

What anyone should conclude from the above is that there are a lot of complexities in the above that can produce large variances in the performance of a write operation with write_distributed_data.


Ensembles, in many respects, are simpler to deal with than atomic data. The grouping that is implicit in the concept of what defines an ensemble may, if properly exploited, add a level of homogeneity that can significantly improve write performance relative to the same quantity of data stored as a bag/RDD of atomic objects. With ensembles the bag/RDD is assumed a container full of a common type of ensemble. Like the atomic case the algorithm is a pipeline (set of map operators) with ensembles entering the top and ObjectIds exiting the pipeline that are returned by the function. An anomaly is that with ensembles the return is actually a list of lists of ids, with one list per ensemble and each list containing the list of ids saved from that ensemble. In addition, the pipeline is streamlined to two stages (task) run through map operators:

  1. Like the atomic case the first thing done is to save the sample data. A special feature of the ensemble writer is that if the storage_mode argument is set to ‘file’ and the format is not changed from the default (‘binary’), the sample data will be written in contiguous blocks provided ‘dir’ and ‘dfile’ are set in the ensemble Metadata container. In that situation the operation is done with a C++ function using fwrite in a mode limited only by the speed of the target file system. As with the comparable feature noted above for the reader a further huge advantage this gives is reducing the number of file open/close pairs to the number of ensembles in the data set.

  2. A second function applied through a map operator does two different tasks that are done separately in the atomic algorithm: (a) translation of each member’s Metadata container to a python dictionary that is suitable as a MongoDB document, and (b) actually posting the documents to the defined collection with the MongoDB interface. There are two reasons these are merged in this algorithm. The first is that grouping for a bulk insert is natural with an ensemble. The function calls insert_many on the collection of documents constructed from live members of the ensemble. The second is an efficiency in handling dead data. A problem arises because of the fact that ensemble members can be killed one of two ways: (a) they arrive at the writer dead, or (b) the conversion from Metadata to a document has a flaw that the converter flags as invalid. The first is normal. The second can happen if required Metadata attributes are invalid or, more commonly, if the mode argument is set as “cautious” or “pedantic”. In both cases the contents of dead data are, by default, “buried”. Like the atomic case large numbers of dead data can create a performance hit as each dead datum has a separate funeral (inserting a document in the “cemetery” collection). In contrast, the documents for live data are saved with bulk write using the MongoDB insert_many collection method as noted above. With the same reasoning as above this algorithm reduces database transaction time for this writer by a factor of approximately \(1/N_m\) here \(N_m\) is the average number of live ensemble members in the data set.

Handling storage_mode==”file”

There are major complication in handling any data where the output is to be stored as a set of files. There are two technical issues users may need to consider if tuning performance is essential:

  1. Read/write speed of a target file system can vary by orders of magnitude. In most cases speed comes at a cost and the storage space available normally varies inversely with IO speed. Our experience is that if multiple storage media are available the fastest file system should be used as the target used by MongoDB for data storage. The target of sample data defined by the schema you use for dir and dfile may need to be different to assure sufficient free space.

  2. Many seismologists favor the model required by SAC for data storage. SAC requires a unique file name for each individual datum. (SAC only supports what we call a TimeSeries.) For a large data set that is always a horrible model for defining the data storage layout. There are multiple reasons that make that statement a universal truth today, but the reasons are beside the point for this manual. Do a web search if you want to know more. The point is your file definition model should never use the one file per atomic datum unless your data set is small. On the other hand, the opposite end member of one file for the entire data set is an equally bad idea for the present implementation of MsPASS. If all workers are reading or writing to a single file you are nearly guaranteed to throttle the workflow from contention for a single resource (file locking). Note we have experimented with parallel file containers that may make the one file for the dataset model a good one, but that capability is not ready for prime time. For now the general solution is to define the granularity in whatever structure makes sense for your data. e.g. if you are working with event data, it usually makes sense to organize the files with one file per event.

With those caveats, I now turn to the problem of how you actually define the file layout of files saved when you set storage_mode=’file’ when running write_distributed_data.

The problem faced in producing a storage layout is that different research projects typically need a different layout to define some rational organization. MsPASS needs to support the range of options from a single unique file name for each atomic datum saved to all the data stored in one and only one file. As noted above, for most projects the layout requires some series of logically defined directories with files at the leaves of the directory tree. The approach we used utilizes Metadata (MongoDB document) attributes with key names borrowed from CSS3.0. They are:

  • dir directory name. This string can define a full or relative path.

  • dfile file name at the leaf node of a file system path.

  • foff is the file offset in bytes to the first byte of data for a given datum. It is essential when multiple data objects are saved in a the same file. Readers use a “seek” method to initiate read at that position.

  • npts the number of samples that define the signal for an atomic datum. Note that for TimeSeries data with default raw output that translates to \(8 \times npts\) bytes and for Seismogram objects the size is \(3\times 8 \times npts\).

  • When using a format other than the default of “binary”, we use the nbytes argument to define the total length of binary data to be loaded. That is necessary with formatted data because every format has a different formula to compute the size.

In writing data to files, the first two attributes (dir and dfile) have to be defined for the writer as input. The others are computed and stored on writing in the document associated with that datum when the save is successful. Rarely, if ever, do you want to read from files and have the writer use the same file to write the processed result. That is, in fact, what will happen if you read from files and then run write_distributed_data with storage_mode=’file’. Instead, you need a way to set/reset the values of dir and dfile for each datum. Note that “datum” in this context can be either each atomic datum or ensemble objects. The default behavior for ensembles is to have all ensemble members written to a common file name defined by the dir and dfile string defined in the ensemble’s Metadata container. In either case, the recommended way to set the dir and dfile arguments is with a custom function passed through a map operator. Perhaps the easiest way to see this is to give an example that is a variant of that above:

def set_names(d):
  Examples setting dir and dfile from Metadata attributes assumed
  to have been set earlier.  Example sets a constant dir value
  with file names set by the string representation of source_id.
  dir = 'wf/example_project'   # sets dir the same for all data
  # this makes setting dfile always resolve and not throw an exception
  # elog entry is demontrates good practice in handling such errors.
  if 'source_id' in d:
    dfile = "source_{}.dat".format(str(source_id))
    message = "set_names (WARNING):  source_id value is undefined for this datum\n"
    message += "Data written to default dfile name={}".format(dfile)
  d['dir'] = dir
  d['dfile'] = dfile
  return d
data = read_distributed_data(db,collection='wf_TimeSeries')
data =
# other processing functions in map operators would typically go here
data =
wfidslist = write_distributed_data(data,collection='wf_TimeSeries')
# wfidslist will be a python list of ObjectIds

A final point for this section is that to make the writer as robust as possible there is a default behavior to handle the case where dir and/or dfile are not defined. The default for dir is the current (run) directory. The handling of dfile is more elaborate. We use a “uuid generator” to create a unique string to define dfile. Although that makes the save robust, be aware this creates the very case we stated above should never ever be used: the SAC model with one file name per datum.


Example 1: Default read/write

This example illustrates the simplest example for initiating a workflow with read_distributed_data and terminating it with write_distributed_data. It also illustrates a couple of useful generic tests to verify things went as expected:

# Assumes imports and db defined above
data = read_distributed_data(db,collection='wf_TimeSeries')
# processing functions in map operators would go here
# note we don't call computer/collect after write_distributed_data
# it initates the lazy computations
wfidslist = write_distributed_data(data,
# this will give the maximum number of data possible to compare to nwf
print("Size of list returned by write_distributed_data=",len(wfidslist))
# This is the number actually saved
nwf = db.wf_TimeSeries.count_documents({'data_tag' : 'example1'})
print("Number of saved wf documents=",nwf)
# this works only if cemetery was empty at the start of processing
ndead = db.cemetery.count_documents({})
print("Number of data killed in this run=",ndead)

Note the reader always reads the data as directed by attributes of the documents in the wf_TimeSeries collection. The writer defaults to writing data to gridfs to the same collection, but with a data_tag used to separate data being written from the input indexed in the same collection.

Example 2: atomic writes to file storage

This example is a minor variant of the example in the section discussing how dir and dfile are used with file IO above. There are three differences:

  1. It organizes output into directories defined by SEED station code and writes file all the files from a given year in different files. (e.g. path = “II_AAK_BHZ_00/1998”).

  2. The reader access the wf_miniseed collection. That assures the seed station codes should be defined for each datum.

  3. I use the pyspark variant which requires the SparkContext constructs see in this example.

def set_dir_dfile(d):
  Function used to set dir and dfile for example 2.

  dir is set to a net_sta_chan_loc name (e.g. II_AAK_BHZ_00) and
  dfile is set to the year of the start time of each datum.
  Used for make so input d is assumed to be a TimeSeries.
  Important:  assumes the seed codes are set with the
  fixed keys 'net','sta','chan', and 'loc'.   That works in this
  example because example uses miniseed data as an origin.
  Edited copy is returned.  Dead data are returned immediately with no change.
  if d.dead():
    return d
  if d.is_defined('net'):
  if d.is_defined('sta'):
  if d.is_defined('chan'):
  if d.is_defined('loc'):
  # notice that if none of the seed codes are defined the directory
  # name is three "_" characters
  dir = net+'_'+sta+'_'+chan+'_'+loc
  d['dir'] = dir
  t0 = d.t0
  year = UTCDateTime(t0).year
  d['dffile'] = str(year)
  return d

# these are needed to enable spark instead of dask defaults
import pyspark
sc = pyspark.SparkContext('local','example2')
# Assume other imports and definition of db is above
data = read_distributed_data(db,
data = d : set_dir_dfile(d))  # spark syntax
# processing functions in map operators would go here
# note we don't call computer/collect after write_distributed_data
# it initates the lazy computations
wfidslist = write_distributed_data(data,
# These are identical to example 1
# this will give the maximum number of data possible to compare to nwf
print("Size of list returned by write_distributed_data=",len(wfidslist))
# This is the number actually saved
nwf = db.wf_TimeSeries.count_documents({'data_tag' : 'example2'})
print("Number of saved wf documents=",nwf)
# this works only if cemetery was empty at the start of processing
ndead = db.cemetery.count_documents({})
print("Number of data killed in this run=",ndead)

Example 3: Parallel read/write of ensembles

This example illustrates some special considerations needed to handle ensembles. Features this illustrate are:

  1. The example reads and forms TimeSeriesEnsemble objects grouped by the source_id attribute. The algorithm shown will only work if a previous workflow has set the source_id value in each datum. Any datum without source_id defined would be dropped from this dataset.

  2. We show the full set of options for normalization with ensembles. Ensemble normalization is complicated by the fact that there are two completely different targets for normalization: (a) ensemble Metadata, and (b) each (atomic) ensemble member. The reader in this example does that at load time driven by the two arguments: normalize_ensemble and normalize. As the names imply normalize_ensemble is applied to the ensemble’s Metadata container while the operators defined in normalize are applied in a loop over members. This example loads source data in the ensemble and channel data into ensemble members.

  3. This example uses an approach that is a complexity required as an implementation detail for the parallel reader to support normalization by ensemble by the reader. It uses the container_to_merge option that provides a generic way to merge a consistent bag/RDD of other data into the container constructed by read_distributed_data. By “consistent” I mean the size and number of partitions in the bag/RDD passed with that argument must match that of the container being constucted by read_distributed_data. In this case, what using that argument does is load a source_id value in the ensemble Metadata of each component of the data container constucted by read_distibuted_data. The reader has a structure that the algorithm to merge the two containers is run before attempting to do any normalization. (i.e. any normalization defined by either normalize or normalize_ensemble.)

  4. The writer uses storage_mode=’files’ and the default “format”. As noted above when undefined the format defaults to a raw binary write of the sample data to files with the C fwrite function. We set dir and dfile in the ensemble’s Metadata container that the writer takes as a signal to write all ensemble data in the same file defined by the ensemble dir and dfile.

def set_dir_dfile(d):
  Function used to set dir and dfile for example 3.

  This example sets dir as a constant and sets the file
  name, which is used by ensemble, with the source_id string
  and a constant suffix of .dat
  if d.dead():
    return d
  # this example can assume source_id is set. Could not get
  # here otherwise
  srcid = d['source_id']
  dfile = str(srcid)
  dfile += suffix
  return d

# Assume other imports and definition of db is above
# This loads a source collection normalizer using a cache method
# for efficiency.  Note it is used in read_distibuted_data below
source_matcher = ObjectIdMatcher(db,

srcid_list = db.wf_miniseed.distinct('source_id')
for srcid in srcid_list:
  querylist.append({'source_id' : srcid})
source_bag = bag.from_sequence(querylist)
# This is used to normalize each member datum using miniseed
# station codes and time
mseed_matcher = MiniseedMatcher(db)
data = read_distributed_data(db,
# algorithms more appropriate for TimeSeries data would be run
# here with one or more map operators

# normalization with channel by mseed_matcher allows this
# fundamenal algorithm to be run.  Converts TimeSeriesEnsemble
# objects to SeismogramEnsemble objects
data =

# other processing functions for Seismogram in map operators would go here

# finally set the dir and dfile fields
data =
# note we don't call computer/collect after write_distributed_data
# it initates the lazy computations
wfidslist = write_distributed_data(data,
# These are identical to example 1
# this will give the maximum number of data possible to compare to nwf
print("Size of list returned by write_distributed_data=",len(wfidslist))
# This is the number actually saved
nwf = db.wf_Seismogram.count_documents({'data_tag' : 'example3'})
print("Number of saved wf documents=",nwf)
# this works only if cemetery was empty at the start of processing
ndead = db.cemetery.count_documents({})
print("Number of data killed in this run=",ndead)

Example 4: Intermediate processing result save

It is sometimes necessary, particularly in a research context, to have a workflow save an intermediate result. In the context of a parallel workflow, that means one needs to do a save within a sequence of calls to map/reduce operators. As noted above write_distributed_data always is a terminator for a chain of lazy/delayed calculations. It always returns some version of a list of ObjectIds of the saved wf documents.

One approach for an intermediate save is to immediately follow a call to write_distributed_data with a call to read_ensemble_data. In general that approach, in fact, is what is most useful in the context. Often the reason for an intermediate save is to verify things are working as you expected. In that case, you likely will want to explore the data a bit before moving on anyway. e.g. I usually structure work with MsPASS into a set of notebooks were each one ends up with the data set saved in a particular, often partially processed, state.

An alternative that can be useful for intermediate saves is illustrated in the following example:

data = read_distributed_data(db,collection='wf_TimeSeries')
# set of map/reduce operators would go here
data = d : db.save_data(
# more map/reduce operators
wfids = write_distributed_data(data,

where we used mostly defaults on all the function calls to keep the example simple. Rarely would that be the right usage. A critical feature is the return_data=True option send to the save_data method of Database. With that option the method returns a copy of the atomic datum it received with additions/changes created by the saving operation.

The approach above is most useful for production workflows where the only purpose of the intermediate save is as a checkpoint in the event something fails later in the workflow and you need to the intermediate case because it was expensive to compute. As noted above, it may actually be faster to do the following instead:

data = read_distributed_data(db,collection='wf_TimeSeries')
# set of map/reduce operators would go here
data = read_distributed_data(db,
           query={'data_tag' : 'save1'},

# more map/reduce operators
wfids = write_distributed_data(data,