
Input-output (IO) performance of a workflow can easily be the main throttle on the speed of a workflow in MsPASS. The reason is a corollary of an old saying about the definition of a “supercomputer”. The old saying is that a supercomputer is a computer that turns all compute-bound jobs into io-bound jobs. The scalability of MsPASS, which means it runs the same with one or a thousand workers (just faster), means the more processors you throw at a job the more likely it will be that it becomes IO bound. For that reason the focus of this section is the parallel readers. Howver, most of the key concepts are equally applicable to serial jobs.

Most seismologists have, at best, only a vague notion of how IO works in a modern computer system. The reason is that IO is the one of the earliest examples of how computer languages abstract a complex process into a simple command. The earliest version of FORTRAN had the READ and WRITE commands that are a type example. IO has become increasingly complex as computers have evolved. We thus first give a brief overview of key concepts that impose limits of IO performance on different kinds of hardware. That discussion could extend to book length, but we review only the basics at a high level that we hope can help user’s understand what factors might limit the performance of their processing job. We then review the API for parallel processing and discuss a few practical guidelines for avoiding IO bottlenecks.


This section could rapidly become seriously out-of-date. Current efforts by Earthscope and other FDSN data centers to move their services to cloud computer systems promise to completely change some elements of this section.

IO Concepts

Concept 1: IO is transfer of data to and from main memory. The most basic thing to recall and understand is that any time a computer algorithm does IO it means data has to be transferred from something to the computer’s main memory (RAM). That process can take from a few clock cycles to millions (or many orders of magnitude more) of clock cycles depending on what the “something” is.

Concept 2: Buffering. For more than 50 years all but a tiny fraction of computer processing jobs used buffered IO. In buffered IO a program does not read directly from any device but always reads from a memory buffer. Other elements of the system manage the flow of data in and out of the buffer. All MsPASS IO uses stock, buffered IO functions.

Concept 2: Blocking. When an IO statement is executed in any computer language, including python, the normal behavior is for the program to be put in a wait state until the code that does the actual operation completes. That waiting is what is meant by blocking IO. With normal blocking IO your program will always wait until the IO operation returns before continuing execution. All MsPASS IO is currently blocking IO.

Concept 4: communication channels. Today most IO is abstracted as taking place via a communication channel that can be manipulated by an appropriate API. That can be explicit like the FILE* handle in C or more abstract like the generic read handle in obspy’s read function. In all cases the idea is the handle provides a mechanism to move data to/from some external location from/to the memory space of your program.

Concept 5: open/close. No IO is possible unless the interface that defines a communication channel is initialized and made valid. That is traditionally done through some form of “open”. Whatever the syntax, an “open” means creation of a handle that defines a particular instance of a communication channel. A “close” destroys the connection and releases the resources allocated to a create a communication channel.

With the above it may be helpful to summarize the generic sequence of steps that happen when reading the data for a seismic data object, which is really just a generic read.

  1. Some version of “open” is used to create the handle to fetch the data.

  2. One or more distinct “read” operations are requested through the handle. Each distinct read will block until the operation is completed. How long of a delay that represents in your program is dependent on a long list of variables. With files reads may or may not also involve calls to “seek” to tell the handle to locate a specific piece of a file. That operation can be very fast if nothing is required (For example, rewind a file that is already positioned to the beginning.), but also may be slow as a new buffer has to be loaded with the section of the file containing the section requested.

  3. The handle is closed and destroyed when no longer needed by the algorithm.

Writes are similar, except data is pushed to a buffer from your program instead of loaded into program memory space as directed by your program. (Note some programs read and write to the same communication channel but there is currently no such example in MsPASS except communications with the MongoDB server, which is the next item) For both reads and writes delays are inevitable in all three of the above generic steps.

Concept 6: database server communications. Interaction with MongoDB is a special case of IO in MsPASS. Database communication is notorious for creating performance problems if handled carelessly for two reasons: (1) Each interaction (also sometimes called a transaction) with the MongoDB server creates an action/reaction delay. For reads that means the caller sends a request to the MongoDB server (itself an IO operation), the server has to process the request, and then return the result to the caller (a second IO operation). In a write the data to be saved is packaged and sent to the server, handled by the server, and a response acknowledging success (or failure) is returned. All pymongo read/write calls block until the circuit above completes creating built in delays. (2) the communication channel for MongoDB is always a TCP/IP network connection. The speed of that communication relative to disk transfer speeds can be an issue on some systems. A larger issue, however, is that when multiple processes are pushing large amounts of data the pipe can fill and limit throughput. A type example of this is gridfs read/write discussed below.

The above are all generic ideas, and are only a part of the complexity of modern IO systems. They are sufficient, however, to summarize the factors that cause IO bottlenecks on most seismic processing jobs, in general, and MsPASS in particular. In the next section we describe how the current versions of the parallel readers and writers of MsPASS are designed to improve IO performance on clusters. We also appeal to the concepts above in the final section that discusses known bottlenecks in IO performance to avoid.

Parallel IO in MsPASS

We use parallel containers in MsPASS to provide a mechanism to handle data sets that cannot fit in cluster memory. As stated numerous times in this User’s Manual we use what is called a “bag” in dask and “RDD” (Resiliant Distributed Data) in pyspark for this purpose. To be truly parallel creation of a bag/RDD must be parallelized. Similarly, saving the result of a computation defined as one of them should also be parallelized. If they were not parallelized the IO stage(s) would nearly always be the throttle controlling the run time. In this section we discuss our current implementation to help the user understand current limitations of that processing.


For both dask and pyspark the parallel read method is a function called read_distributed_data. The docstring and the :ref:CRUD operations<CRUD_operations> section of this manual have more details on the nuts-and-bolts of running this function, but from the perspective of IO performance it may be helpful to discuss how that function is parallelized for different options of arg0, which defines the primary input method to the function.

  1. DataFrame input. When the input is a DataFrame each worker is assigned a partition of the received DataFrame to read. As a result there will be one reader for each worker defined for the job. Readers work through the rows of the DataFrame that define the partition to output a bag/RDD of data objects with the same partitioning as the DataFrame. The scheduler assigns additional partitions to workers as they complete each one as usual. Note normally the output bag/RDD never exists as a complete entity but defines only an intermediary stage of the data passed down a pipeline to other processing algorithms. Note that the database is accessed in this mode only if normalization during reading is requested (see Normalization) or if any data are stored with gridfs.

  2. Database input. Database input is, in many respects, a variant of DataFrame input with an added serial processing delay. That is, when the input is a Database handle it applies an optional query (default is the entire wf collection specified) and then attempts to load all wf documents. To allow for very large data set where the documents alone would overflow the available memory space the function has a scratchfile option that stages the results to a scratch file before creating the bag/RDD. Users should recognize that a large delay is built into this process by the time required to construct the intermediate list of documents, particularly if a scratchfile is used. Once the bag/RDD of documents is created the reader parallelization works the same as for a DataFrame with minor differences that have little to no impact on performance.

  3. List of queries. Parallel ensemble reads are driven by a list of MongoDB queries. Since pymongo uses a python dict as the query format, that means the function is driven by a list of python dict containers. The read operation in that situation is more elaborate, although not necessarily more time consuming, than the atomic, parallel, read algorithms described above. A bag/RDD is created from the list of dict containers and partitioned as usual. The scheduler normally assigns partitions sequentially to workers as with atomic data. The parallelism is based on one query per worker with each worker normally processing a sequence of queries for each partition as each partition is completed. For each bag component the algorithm first issues a query to MongoDB using that dict content. The query is then used to drive the mspasspy.db.database.Database.read_data() method with a cursor input. That creates a new ensemble object that is passed into the processing pipeline. This algorithm has no serial steps, but can be bottlenecked if a large number of workers are defined that often run queries simultaneously. Otherwise performance is normally limited by the speed of the IO operations embedded in the document definitions for the ensemble members. As with atomic operations when gridfs storage is used, throughput can be limited by the MongoDB connection shared by readers.


As with reading, parallel writes in MsPASS all should go through a common function called write_distributed_data. Parallelism is this function is similar to the reader in the sense that when run on a bag/RDD each worker will have one writer thread/process that does the output processing. The way data are handled by writers, however, is more complex.

The first detail to understand about the parallel writer is it splits up the task into two distinctly different operations: (1) saving the sample data and (2) saving the Metadata as set of MongoDB documents. Each instance of the writer handles these two operations in that order. The first calls a generic, private method in Database called _save_sample_data. The speed of that operation is completely controlled by the “storage_mode” chosen and the communication path the choice implies.

Saving the Metadata for each seismic object is different as the performance is mainly limited by MongoDB and the way the writers create the wf collection documents. Atomic level insertions (i.e. one wf document at a time) is the absolute slowest way to handle this operation as each insert (a “collection” method of MongoDB) blocks until the server responded that it has completed the operation. To reduce such delays write_distributed_data always tries to insert multiple documents in each interaction with the MongoDB server. The method is different for atomic data and ensembles:

  1. For atomic data the algorithm uses the map_partition method defined for both a dask bag and a pyspark RDD. A partition is normally made up of multiple data components. The writer than uses the insert_many method for a each set of wf documents extracted from each partition. Unless the partitions are huge each call to insert_many takes only a slighly longer than calls to insert_one, which is the operation for one document. Hence the database IO time for a workflow is reduced by approximation one over the number of components per partition.

  2. For ensembles the ensemble itself provides a logical grouping. That is, instead of using insert_many by partition we use the set of documents extracted from each ensemble member. In this case the reduction in database write time is reduced by approximately one over the average number of ensemble members.

A final detail about writing is the handling of “dead” data. The overall behavior is controlled by a boolean argument to write_distributed_data. called “cremate”. When set true dead data are “cremated” using the cremate method of the Undertaker class. As the imagery of the name implies little to nothing is left of dead data that is cremated. The default for the cremate parameter is False. In that situation dead data are “buried”, which means a record of why they were killed is saved in a special collection called cemetery. See the section CRUD operations for more about these concepts. For this discussion a key point is that lots of dead data with the default setting of cremate=False can impose a bottleneck because a call to insert_one will happen with each dead datum and each writer instance will block until that transaction is completed.

Known IO Bottlenecks to avoid

Excessive file open/close

At this time most workflows in MsPASS are driven by data stored on a sequence of files. e.g. a common starting point is a collection of miniseed files downloaded from one or more FDSN data centers. A key point to recognize is that a file open or close is not a zero cost operation. On modern systems the time is generally of the order of milliseconds, but keep in mind a millisecond today is typically a million cpu clock cycles. The time spent doing an open/close is always wasted wall time when your job is likely not using all available CPU cycles. An unfortunate legacy of the dominance of SAC in the seismology community for decades is the prevalent use of one file per datum. Obspy has, unfortunately, only strengthened this archaic idea that causes inevitable performance issues. The time to open and read a single SAC file is irrelevant when you are working interactively because a millisecond is not a perceptible delay to a human, but for the cpu of your computer it is forever. Unless your data set is tiny, never ever use one file per datum with MsPASS as it is almost guaranteed to be a bottleneck in performance.

The easiest way to avoid excessive open/close in processing is to structure your algorithm into enembles (gather in reflection processing jargon) whenever possible. Both the miniseed and native binary readers for ensembles use an internal algorithm to minimize the number of file open and close calls. They do that by basically loading all data from common files, as defined by the dir and dfile attributes stored in the database, as a group when assembling an enemble. For workflows driven by atomic data there is currently no way to avoid an open/close for each read.

Lustre file-systems and many small files

The SAC model of one file per datum will really get you in trouble if you try to process a large dataset with many workers on a large HPC cluster. The fundamental reason is that HPC clusters are (currently at least) tuned to handling large simulation jobs. Most simulation programs read small values of initial input data and then run a huge calculation for long periods of time. That means the systems are not tuned to handle large numbers of file open/close transactions.

At the time of this writing the type example of this issue is when a job has to interact with a Lustre file system. Lustre is a heavily used package today that HPC clusters use to set up huge virtual file systems. For example, if a petabyte scale file system is defined on the cluster you are using, it is probably running Lustre or some ancestor of Lustre. Lustre is a parallel file system that allows many processes to be doing reads or writes simultaneously. A problem arises because Lustre handles two concepts we noted above fundamentally differently: (1) open/close functions are implemented via a database server while (2) reads and writes are implemented through a “mover” that handles moving data to and from memory to the designated storage location on a large disk array. What that means is that open/close tends to be relatively slow while reads and writes to an open file are about as fast as technologically possible today. There is also a state dependency in file opens. Lustre keeps a cache of files it knows about so it is faster to reopen the same file shortly after closing it than to open a completely different file.

The SAC model is particularly problematic for large data set if they are staged to a Lustre file system. Consider, for example, a relatively modest data set today of around a million waveforms. Supposed we staged that data to a Lustre file system. First, you will find just copying it there and handling it will be a problem because those commands also have to do lots of file open/close operations. If you then tried to run a workflow based on atomic data each element of the bag/RDD that would be needed to initiate a parallel workflow will require and open, read, and close sequence. If every file has a unique file name that means a database transaction with the Lustre “Metadata server” is required for each datum. There are known examples (not by us, but similar legacy codes) where a large parallel workflow has overwhelmed a Lustre Metadata server and effectively stopped an entire cluster. MsPASS has the potential to do the same if used naively in that environment.

We know of three solutions to address this issue at present with different tradeoffs.

  1. Use the ensemble strategy noted above to structure data into logical groupings to reduce the number of open/close operations. If here is not logical grouping consider just using ensembles defined by distinct files.

  2. If your workflow absolutely has to be done with atomic data you should still aim to assemble data into larger files that are logical for your data. As a minimum that will reduce the load on the Lustre metadata server. Although untested, we suspect a parallel job using atomic data performance can be improved by sorting the list of documents retrieved from MongoDB by the combined key of dir::dfile. Lustre will cache files it knows about after an initial open so secondary opens of the same file may be faster.

  3. Use gridfs to store your data. As noted in a related section that has difference performance issues, but at least you won’t be a bad citizen and crash the Lustre file system.


Developments are in progress to improve IO performance on HPC and cloud systems using newer software systems that address some of these issues. The above list of workarounds may change if those developments are successful.

Single Communication Channel (gridfs)

Recall one of the storage options in MsPASS is MongoDB’s gridfs system. Gridfs seems to be implemented in a manner conceptually similar to lustre. That is, the equivalent of a file name is handled differently than the container that hold the actual data. The first is held in a (normally smaller) collection called “fs.files” and the second in a collection called “fs.chunks”.

With that review it is easy to state the fundamental performance problem inherent in using gridfs as the prime storage method: all the data needed to construct all data objects has to pass through a single communication channel - the network connection to the MongoDB server. The result is not unlike what would happen if a freeway with one lane for each cpu in a job was forced to pass over a one-lane bridge. This situation is even worse because in most systems the network connection with the MongoDB server is much slower than file IO through the main system bus.

There is a known solution to this problem, but none of us have attempted to implement it with MsPASS for an actual processing job. That solution is what MongoDB calls sharding. Sharding can be used to set up multiple MongoDB servers to increase the number of communication channels and reduce collisions between workers demanding data simultaneously. It adds a great deal of complexity, however, and is known to only be effective if the read patterns are well defined in advance. It also is inevitably inferior to transfer rates for disk arrays or SSD storage because the pipe is a single network connection as opposed to the faster connection typical of disk hardware.

Web-service URL reads

At the present time the most common way to assemble waveform data for seismology research is to download data from one or more FDSN data centers via a standardized protocol called web services. MsPASS has a capability of defining a waveform segment with URL, which makes it theoretically possible to define and entire data set as residing remotely and accessible through the web service interface. That, however, is presently a really bad idea for two reasons:

  1. The rate that data can be pulled by that mechanism is far too slow to be useful as a starting point for any data processing workflow other than a tiny data set.

  2. Web services has no mechanism to guarantee success of a query. When one tries to retrieve millions of waveforms by this mechanism some loss is nearly guaranteed.

For these reasons the only recommended way to utilize FDSN data at this time is to stage the data to a local disk array, validate the completeness of what was received, and do appropriate QC before doing any large scale analysis.


At the time of this writing Earthscope is in the middle of a major development effort to move their data services to a cloud system. When that happens the model of using a URL to define each waveform segment and running MsPASS on the same cloud system hosting the data is expected to become a standard way to assemble a data research ready data set.

Using a slow disk for your database

A hardware innovation that has profoundly improved IO performance in the past decade+ is growth of solid-state disks (SSD). SDDs have throughput rates orders of magnitude higher than standard magnetic disks. At present, however, they are more expensive and most systems have a mix of SSDs and magnetic disks. Large disk arrays use many magnetic disks to create virtual file systems that is some fraction of the total capacity of the entire set of disks. What that means is that for large data sets it is almost always necessary to store the waveform data on magnetic disks or a disk array of magnetic disks. We have found, however, that IO performance is generally improved if the files managed by MongoDB during processing are staged or stored permanently on an SSD. The database server performance is exceptionally effected because SSD are particularly superior with random access IO that is the norm for database transactions. The reasons are deep in the weeds of the difference in the hardware, but the same factors have driven the universal switch from magnetic to SSD system disks for laptop and desktop systems in the past decade. Operating system performance is drastically improved because many processes competing for IO channels cause read/write patterns to be widely scattered over the file system.