from mspasspy.ccore.utility import (
from mspasspy.ccore.seismic import (
from mspasspy.ccore.algorithms.basic import (
from mspasspy.ccore.algorithms.amplitudes import (
from mspasspy.util.decorators import mspass_func_wrapper
[docs]def ensemble_error_post(d, alg, message, severity):
This is a small helper function useful for error handlers in except
blocks for ensemble objects. If a function is called on an ensemble
object that throws an exception this function will post the message
posted to all ensemble members. It silently does nothing if the
ensemble is empty.
:param d: is the ensemble data to be handled. It print and error message
and returns doing nothing if d is not one of the known ensemble
:param alg: is the algorithm name posted to elog on each member
:param message: is the string posted to all members
:param severity: is the error severity level
if isinstance(d, TimeSeriesEnsemble) or isinstance(d, SeismogramEnsemble):
n = len(d.member)
if n <= 0:
for i in range(n):
d.member[i].elog.log_error(alg, str(message), severity)
"Coding error - ensemble_error_post was passed an unexpected data type of",
print("Not treated as fatal but a bug fix is needed")
def _post_amplitude(d, method, amp):
Internal small helper function for repeated tests of method - posts the
computed amplitudes to metadata with a different key for each method
used to compute amplitude.
if method == "rms" or method == "RMS":
d["rms_amplitude"] = amp
elif method == "perc":
d["perc_amplitude"] = amp
elif method == "MAD" or method == "mad":
d["mad_amplitude"] = amp
d["amplitude"] = amp
# inplace_return was intentionally ommitted from thie arg list here because
# False should always be enforced. If the default changed that would
# break this function.
def scale(
Top level function interface to data scaling methods.
This function can be used to scale seismic data contained in any of
the four seismic data objects defined in mspass: TimeSeries, Seismogram,
TimeSeriesEnsemble, and SeismogramEnsemble. An extensive set of
amplitude estimation metrics are available by selecting one of the
allowed values for the method parameter. Ensembles can be scaled
at the individual seismogram level or as a whole (scale_by_section=True).
Note all methods preserve the original amplitude by updating the
Metadata parameter calib to include the scaling. i.e. as always the
amplitude of the data in physical units can be restored by multiplying
the data samples by calib.
:param d: is input data object. If not one of the four mspass seismic
data types noted above the function will throw a RuntimeError exception.
:param compute_from_window: boolean used to compute amplitude and scale
based on a windowed section of the input waveform. By default (this
boolan False) the amplitude for scaling is computed from the full
waveform. When True the window argument must contain a valid TimeWindow
that spans a time range smaller than the data range. In that situation
if the window is inconsistent with the data range the return will be
marked dead and messages will be found posted in elog. For ensembles
all or only portion of the group will be killed if this happens.
Note this parameter is also ignored when scale_by_section is true.
:param window: mspass TimeWindow object defining the time range
over which the amplitude for scaling is to be computed. (see the
compute_from_window parameter description)
:param method: string defining the gain method to use. Currently supported
method values are: peak, RMS (rms accepted), perc, and MAD
(also accepts mad or Mad). Peak uses the largest amplitude for
scaling. For 3C data that means vector amplitude while for scalar data
it is the largest absolute value. rms is the standard rms measure,
although for 3C data is is rms vector amplitudes so scaling is by the
number of vectors not the total number of samples (3 times number of
vectors). perc uses a sorted percentage clip level metric as used in
seismic unix. mad is a variant where the value returned is the
median absolute deviation (mad) that is actual the same as perc=1/2.
Default is peak. WARNING: if an invalid value for method is passed the
data will be returned unaltered with a complaint message issue for
very datum (indivually or in ensembles) run that way.
:param level: For all but perc this defines the scale to which the data
are scaled. For perc it is used to set the percent clip level.
If the value passed is illegal (0 or negative for most methods while
perc must also be positive but less or equal 1) a complain message will
be posted to elog and the level adjusted to 1.0.
:param scale_by_section: is a boolean that controls the scaling
behavior on ensembles only (It is silently ignored for atomic
TimeSeries and Seismogram data). When true a single gain factor is
applied to all members of an ensemble. When false each member is
gained individually as if this function were applied in a loop to
each member.
:param use_mean: boolean used only for ensembles and when scale_by_section is
True. The algorithm used in that case has an option to use the mean
log amplitude for scaling the section instead of the default median
:return: Data scaled to specified level. Note the scaling always preserves
absolute amplitude by adjusting the value of the calib attribute of the
return so calib*data is the same value before and after the scaling.
:rtype: same as input
if isinstance(d, TimeSeries) or isinstance(d, Seismogram):
if d.dead():
return d
# First validate arguments
# The logic here would be much cleaner if ensembles had an elog attribute
# may happen as group discussions have proposed that change. this should
# change to be cleaner of elog is added to ensmeble objects
if (
method != "peak"
and method != "RMS"
and method != "rms"
and method != "perc"
and method != "MAD"
and method != "mad"
message = (
"method parameter passed = "
+ method
+ " is not valid. Should be peak, rms, perc, or mad\nContinuing with no change to data"
if isinstance(d, TimeSeriesEnsemble) or isinstance(d, SeismogramEnsemble):
ensemble_error_post(d, alg_name, message, ErrorSeverity.Complaint)
# This could cause an abort if the input is not one of the four stock data types
# but that is ok as that is an obvious usage error and should be a fatal error
"method parameter passed = "
+ method
+ " is not valid. "
+ "Should be peak, rms, perc, or mad",
return d
if method == "perc":
if level <= 0 or level > 1.0:
message = "perc scaling method given illegal value={plevel}\nDefaulted to 1.0".format(
if isinstance(d, TimeSeriesEnsemble) or isinstance(d, SeismogramEnsemble):
ensemble_error_post(d, alg_name, message, ErrorSeverity.Complaint)
d.elog.log_error(alg_name, message, ErrorSeverity.Complaint)
level = 1.0
if level <= 0.0:
message = "{meth} scaling method given illegal value={slevel}\nDefaulted to 1.0".format(
meth=method, slevel=level
if isinstance(d, TimeSeriesEnsemble) or isinstance(d, SeismogramEnsemble):
ensemble_error_post(d, alg_name, message, ErrorSeverity.Complaint)
d.elog.log_error(alg_name, message, ErrorSeverity.Complaint)
level = 1.0
if compute_from_window:
if isinstance(window, TimeWindow):
ampwin = window
message = "optional window parameter set but value is not a TimeWindow object\nReverting to unwindowed estimate"
if isinstance(d, TimeSeriesEnsemble) or isinstance(d, SeismogramEnsemble):
ensemble_error_post(d, alg_name, message, ErrorSeverity.Complaint)
d.elog.log_error(alg_name, message, ErrorSeverity.Complaint)
# this is an invalid window because start>end is used as a signal
# in WindowData to use the entire waveform. It switches automatically
# without logging an error (currently). Definitely a little weird
# but this hides that detail for python users
ampwin = TimeWindow(0.0, -1.0)
ampwin = TimeWindow(0.0, -1.0)
# The pybind11 and C++ way of defining an enum class creates an
# obnoxiously ugly syntax. We insulate the user from this oddity
# by using a string arg to define this enum passed to _scale
method_to_use = ScalingMethod.Peak
if method == "rms" or method == "RMS":
method_to_use = ScalingMethod.RMS
elif method == "perc":
method_to_use = ScalingMethod.perc
elif method == "MAD" or method == "mad":
method_to_use = ScalingMethod.MAD
# Note this logic depends on an oddity of the C++ api in the
# functions called with the _scale binding name. When the TimeWindow
# is invalid the entire data range is silently used - not viewed as
# an error. Hence, the following works only when the logic above to
# handle the definition of the window parameter is set.
if isinstance(d, TimeSeries) or isinstance(d, Seismogram):
amp = _scale(d, method_to_use, level, ampwin)
_post_amplitude(d, method_to_use, amp)
elif isinstance(d, TimeSeriesEnsemble) or isinstance(d, SeismogramEnsemble):
if len(d.member) <= 0: # Silently return nothing if the ensemble is empy
return d
if scale_by_section:
amp = _scale_ensemble(d, method_to_use, level, use_mean)
# We post the amplitude the ensembe's metadata in this case
_post_amplitude(d, method_to_use, amp)
ampvec = _scale_ensemble_members(d, method_to_use, level, ampwin)
i = 0
for x in d.member:
_post_amplitude(x, method_to_use, ampvec[i])
i += 1
raise MsPASSError(
"scale: input data is not a supported mspass seismic data type", "Fatal"
return d
except MsPASSError as err:
if isinstance(d, Seismogram) or isinstance(d, TimeSeries):
d.elog.log_error(alg_name, str(err), ErrorSeverity.Invalid)
# avoid further isinstance at the expense of a maintenance issue.
# if we add any other supported data objects we could have a
# problem here. This assumes what lands here is an ensemble
ensemble_error_post(d, alg_name, err)
for x in d.member:
return d
# this is needed to handle an oddity recommended on this
# web site:
except KeyboardInterrupt:
message = "Something threw an unexpected exception\nThat is a bug that needs to be fixed - contact authors"
if isinstance(d, Seismogram) or isinstance(d, TimeSeries):
d.elog.log_error(alg_name, message, ErrorSeverity.Invalid)
ensemble_error_post(d, alg_name, message, ErrorSeverity.Invalid)
def WindowDataAtomic(
Cut atomic data to a shorter time segment defined by a time range.
Cutting a smaller waveform segment from a larger waveform segment
is a very common seismic data processing task. Handling that low
level operation needs to be done efficiently but with a reasonable
number of options. This function is very fast if the inputs
match the expected model where the requested time segment is
inside the range of the datum passed via arg0. In that mode the
function is a thin wrapper on a C++ function that does most of
the work. When the window is inconsistent with the data,
which is defined here as a "short segment", more overhead
is involved if you want to recover something. To be specific
a "short segment" means the requested time span for a the
window operation form win_start to win_end is not completely
inside (inclusive of the endpoints) the range of the data.
Handling of "short segments" has these elements:
1. If the window range is completely outside the range of
the data the result is always killed and returned
as a dead datum with no sample data. (d.npts=0)
2. Behavior if there is the window range overlaps but
has boundaries outside the data range depends on the setting
of the argument `short_segment_handling` and the
boolean argument `log_recoverable_errors`.
If `log_recoverable_errors` is set True (default) and
the result is returned live (i.e. the error was recoverable
but the data are flawed) a complaint message describing
what was done will be posted to the elog container
of the return. If False recoveries will be done
silently. That can be useful in some algorithms
(e.g. cross-correlation) where partial segments can be
handled. What defines possible recovery is set by
the `short_segment_handling` string. It must be
one of only three possible values or the function
will abort with a ValueError exception:
"kill" - (default) does not recovery attempt and will
kill any data with time inconsistencies.
"truncate" - this truncates to the output to the
time range max(d.t0,win.starttime) to
"pad" - will cause the function to have data in
the span define dby win_start to win_end but
the sections where the data are undefined will
be set to zeros.
Users should also be aware that this function preserves subsample timing
in modern earthquake data. All seismic reflection processing
systems treat timing as synchronous on all channels. That assumption
is not true for data acquired by independent digitizers with
external timing systems (today always GPS timing). In MsPASS
that is handled through the `t0` attribute of atomic data objects and
the (internal) time shift from GMT used when the time standard is
shifted to "relative". A detail of this function is it preserves
t0 subsample timing so if you carefully examine the t0 value
on the return of this function it will match the `twin_start`
value only to the nearest sample. That way time computed with the
time method (endtime is a special case for sample npts-1)
will have subsample accuracy.
:param d: is the input data. d must be either a
:class:`mspasspy.ccore.seismic.TimeSeries` or :class:`mspasspy.ccore.seismic.Seismogram`
object or the function will log an error to d and return a None.
:param twin_start: defines the start of timeWindow to be cut
:type twin_start: :class:`float`
:param twin_end: defines the end of timeWindow to be cut
:type twin_end: :class:`float`
:param t0shift: is an optional time shift to apply to the time window.
This parameter is convenient to avoid conversions to relative time.
A typical example would be to set t0shift to an arrival time and let
the window define time relative to that arrival time. Default is None
which cause the function to assume twin is to be used directly.
It can be specified one of two ways: (1) as a number where it
is assumed to be a time shift to apply in seconds, or (2) as a
a string. In the later case the string is assumed to be a valid
key for fetching a time from a datum's Metadata container.
Note the name t0shift is a bit inconsistent with this usage but
was retained as the original api did not have the string
:type t0shift: real number (float) or a string that defines a
Metadata container key.
:param short_segment_handling: Defines method for handling data where
the requested interval is shorter than the requested window but does
have some overlap. `segment_handling_methods` must be one of the following:
`kill` - in this mode any issues cause the return to be marked dead
(this is the default)
'pad' - in this mode return will have short segments will be padded
with zeros to define data of the required length.
'truncate' - in this mode short segments will be truncated on left
and/or right to match actual data range.
Note that if the input time range does not overlap the requested
interval "kiLl" is always the behavior as by definition the result
is null.
:type short_segment_handle: string (from list above) Default is "kill".
Throws a ValueError exception of not one of the accepted values.
:param log_recoverable_errors: When True (default) any recoverable
windowing error (meaning at least a partial overlap in time range)
will cause a log message to be posted to the elog container of the
output. When False recovery will be done silently. Note when
`short_segment_handling` is set to "kill" logging is not optional and
kill will always create an error log entry.
:param object_history: boolean to enable or disable saving object
level history. Default is False. Note this functionality is
implemented via the mspass_func_wrapper decorator.
:param alg_name: When history is enabled this is the algorithm name
assigned to the stamp for applying this algorithm.
Default ("WindowData") should normally be just used.
Note this functionality is implemented via the mspass_func_wrapper decorator.
:param ald_id: algorithm id to assign to history record (used only if
object_history is set True.)
Note this functionality is implemented via the mspass_func_wrapper decorator.
:param dryrun:
Note this functionality is implemented via the mspass_func_wrapper decorator.
:param dryrun:
Note this functionality is implemented via the mspass_func_wrapper decorator.
:return: copy of d with sample range reduced to twin range. Returns
an empty version of the parent data type (default constructor) if
the input is marked dead
alg = "WindowDataAtomic"
segment_handling_methods = ["kill", "pad", "truncate"]
if short_segment_handling not in segment_handling_methods:
message = (
"WindowData: illegal option given for segment_handling_method={}".format(
raise ValueError(message)
if not isinstance(d, (TimeSeries, Seismogram)):
message = "WindowData: illegal type for arg0={}\nMust be either TimeSeries or Seismogram".format(
raise TypeError(message)
if d.dead():
return d
def window_message(this_d, tw):
File scope function standardizes error message for problems.
message = (
"Window range: {wst} < t < {wet} Data range: {dst} < t < {det}\n".format(
wst=tw.start, wet=tw.end, dst=this_d.t0, det=this_d.endtime()
return message
# This block defines the TimeWindow object twcut to implement the options
# for handling the possible issues with inconsistencies of the time range requested and data
# time span. First define it as the full range and dither the time window if appropriate
twcut0 = TimeWindow(win_start, win_end)
twcut = TimeWindow(twcut0) # the start and end time of this copy may be changed
if t0shift:
if isinstance(t0shift, str):
if d.is_defined(t0shift):
t0shift = d[t0shift]
message = "t0shift argument passed as string value={}\n".format(t0shift)
message += "Implies use as key to fetch Metadata from datum, but the requested key is not defined\n"
message += "Setting shift to 0.0 - this is likely to cause later handling to kill this datum"
d.elog.log_error(alg, message, ErrorSeverity.Complaint)
t0shift = 0.0
twcut = twcut.shift(t0shift)
twcut0 = twcut.shift(t0shift)
if twcut.end < d.t0 or twcut.start > d.endtime():
# always kill and return a zero length datum if there is no overlap
message = "Data time range is outside the time range window time range\n"
message += window_message(d, twcut)
d.elog.log_error(alg, message, ErrorSeverity.Invalid)
return d
message = str()
# If either of these get set true we set padding_required True
cut_on_left = False
cut_on_right = False
padding_required = False
if short_segment_handling != "kill":
# earthquake data start times are not on a synchronous time mesh so we
# have to use a rounding algorithm in this block to set windows
# relative to the sample grid for each datum.
if twcut.start < (d.t0 - d.dt / 2.0):
if log_recoverable_errors:
message += "Window start time is less than data start time\n"
message += window_message(d, twcut)
message += "Setting window start time to data start time={}\n".format(
d.elog.log_error(alg, message, ErrorSeverity.Complaint)
twcut.start = d.t0
cut_on_left = True
if twcut.end > (d.endtime() + d.dt / 2.0):
if log_recoverable_errors:
message += "Window end time is after data end time\n"
message += window_message(d, twcut)
message += "Setting window end time to data end time={}\n".format(
d.elog.log_error(alg, message, ErrorSeverity.Complaint)
twcut.end = d.endtime()
cut_on_right = True
if len(message) > 0:
if short_segment_handling == "truncate":
message += "This data segment will be shorter than requested"
elif short_segment_handling == "pad":
message += "Datum returned will be zero padded in undefined time range"
if short_segment_handling == "pad":
if cut_on_right or cut_on_left:
padding_required = True
if isinstance(d, TimeSeries):
dcut = _WindowData(d, twcut)
# not with current logic this alway means we are handling a Seismogram here
dcut = _WindowData3C(d, twcut)
if padding_required:
if isinstance(d, TimeSeries):
dpadded = TimeSeries(dcut)
dpadded = Seismogram(dcut)
# preserve subsample timing of t0 from parent
istart = dcut.sample_number(twcut0.start)
# this has to be computed from window duration NOT the computed
# start time using the t0 + i*dt formula of the time method of
# BasicTimeSeries. The reason is a subtle rounding issue with
# subsample timing that can cause a factor of 1 ambiguity from rounding.
# C++ code uses this same formula so we also need to be consistent
dpadded.t0 = dcut.time(istart)
npts = round((twcut0.end - dpadded.t0) / d.dt) + 1
dpadded.set_npts(npts) # assume this initializes arrays to zeros
# a bit more obscure with the : notation here but much faster
# than using python loops
istart = dpadded.sample_number(dcut.t0)
iend = dpadded.sample_number(dcut.endtime()) + 1
# subsample rounding can cause iend to be one sample to large.
# this would be easier to handle with a python loop but it
# would be much slower
if iend > dpadded.npts:
di = iend - dpadded.npts
if di == 1:
iend = dpadded.npts
icend = dcut.npts - 1
if isinstance(d, TimeSeries):[istart:iend] =[0:icend]
else:[:, istart:iend] =[:, 0:icend]
message = "Unexpected return from C++ WindowData function in pad option section\n"
message += "Computed sample number for padded sample number start={} and end={}\n".format(
istart, iend
message += "Allowed index range = 0 to {}\n".format(dpadded.npts)
message += (
"This should not happen and is a bug that should be reported"
raise MsPASSError(alg, message, ErrorSeverity.Fatal)
if isinstance(d, TimeSeries):[istart:iend] =
else:[:, istart:iend] =
return dpadded
return dcut
except MsPASSError as err:
# This handler is needed in case the C++ functions WindowData or WindowData3C
# throw an exception. With the current logic that should not happen but
# this makes the code base more robust in the event changes occur
d.log_error(alg, str(err), ErrorSeverity.Invalid)
return d
def WindowData(
Apply a window operation to cut out data within a specified time range
to any MsPASS seismic data object.
Cutting a smaller waveform segment from a larger waveform segment
is a very common seismic data processing task. Handling that low
level operation needs to be done efficiently but with a reasonable
number of options. This function is very fast if the inputs
match the expected model where the requested time segment is
inside the range of the datum passed via arg0. In that mode the
function is a thin wrapper on a C++ function that does most of
the work. When the window is inconsistent with the data,
which is defined here as a "short segment", more overhead
is involved if you want to recover something. To be specific
a "short segment" means the requested time span for a the
window operation form win_start to win_end is not completely
inside (inclusive of the endpoints) the range of the data.
Handling of "short segments" has these elements:
1. If the window range is completely outside the range of
the data the result is always killed and returned
as a dead datum with no sample data. (d.npts=0)
2. Behavior if there is the window range overlaps but
has boundaries outside the data range depends on the setting
of the argument `short_segment_handling` and the
boolean argument `log_recoverable_errors`.
If `log_recoverable_errors` is set True (default) and
the result is returned live (i.e. the error was recoverable
but the data are flawed) a complaint message describing
what was done will be posted to the elog container
of the return. If False recoveries will be done
silently. That can be useful in some algorithms
(e.g. cross-correlation) where partial segments can be
handled. What defines possible recovery is set by
the `short_segment_handling` string. It must be
one of only three possible values or the function
will abort with a ValueError exception:
"kill" - (default) does not recovery attempt and will
kill any data with time inconsistencies.
"truncate" - this truncates to the output to the
time range max(d.t0,win.starttime) to
"pad" - will cause the function to have data in
the span define dby win_start to win_end but
the sections where the data are undefined will
be set to zeros.
This function handles input that is any valid MsPASS data
object. For atomic data it is a very thin wrapper for the
related function `WindowDataAtomic`. For atomic data this
is nothing more than a convenience function that allows you
to omit the "Atomic" qualifier. For ensemble data
this function is more-or-less a loop over all ensemble
members running `WindowDataAtomic` on each member datum.
In all cases the return is the same type as the input but
either shortened to the specified range or killed.
A special case is ensembles where only some members
may be killed.
A special option for ensembles only can be triggered by
setting the optional argument `overwrite_members` to True.
Default behavior returns an independent ensemble created
from the input cut to the requested window interval.
When `overwrite_members` is set True the windowing of the
members will be done in place ovewriting the original
ensemble contents. i.e. in tha output is a reference to
the same object as the input. The primary use of the
`overwrite_members == False` option is for use in map
operators on large ensembles as it can significantly
reduce the memory footprint.
Note the description of subsample time handling in the
related docstring for `WindowDataAtomic`. For ensembles
each member output preserves subsample timing.
Finally, how the function handles data marked dead is \
important. For atomic data the is no complexity.
dead is dead and the function just immediately returns
a reference to the input. For ensembles some members
can be dead or the entire ensemble can be marked dead.
If the ensemble is marked dead the function immediately
returns a reference to the input. If any members are
dead the result will depend on the boolean argument
"retain_data_members". When True (the default) dead
members will be copied verbatim to the output.
If False the dead members will be SILENTLY deleted.
The False option is only recommended if the windowing is
internal to a function and the windowed output will be
discarded during processing. Otherwise the error log of why
data were killed will be lost. If you need to save
memory by clearing dead bodies use the `Undertaker`
class to bury the dead and retain the error log data.
:param d: is the input data. d must be either a
:class:`mspasspy.ccore.seismic.TimeSeries` or :class:`mspasspy.ccore.seismic.Seismogram`
object or the function will log an error to d and return a None.
:param twin_start: defines the start of timeWindow to be cut
:type twin_start: :class:`float`
:param twin_end: defines the end of timeWindow to be cut
:type twin_end: :class:`float`
:param t0shift: is an optional time shift to apply to the time window.
This parameter is convenient to avoid conversions to relative time.
A typical example would be to set t0shift to an arrival time and let
the window define time relative to that arrival time. Default is None
which cause the function to assume twin is to be used directly.
It can be specified one of two ways: (1) as a number where it
is assumed to be a time shift to apply in seconds, or (2) as a
a string. In the later case the string is assumed to be a valid
key for fetching a time from a datum's Metadata container.
Note the name t0shift is a bit inconsistent with this usage but
was retained as the original api did not have the string
:type t0shift: real number (float) or a string that defines a
Metadata container key.
:param short_segment_handling: Defines method for handling data where
the requested interval is shorter than the requested window but does
have some overlap. `segment_handling_methods` must be one of the following:
`kill` - in this mode any issues cause the return to be marked dead
(this is the default)
'pad' - in this mode return will have short segments will be padded
with zeros to define data of the required length.
'truncate' - in this mode short segments will be truncated on left
and/or right to match actual data range.
Note that if the input time range does not overlap the requested
interval "kiLl" is always the behavior as by definition the result
is null.
:type short_segment_handle: string (from list above) Default is "kill".
Throws a ValueError exception of not one of the accepted values.
:param log_recoverable_errors: When True (default) any recoverable
windowing error (meaning at least a partial overlap in time range)
will cause a log message to be posted to the elog container of the
output. When False recovery will be done silently. Note when
`short_segment_handling` is set to "kill" logging is not optional and
kill will always create an error log entry.
:param overwrite_members: controls handling of the member vector of
ensembles as described above. When True the member atomic data will
be overwritten by the windowed version and the ensmble returned will
be a reference to the same container as the input. When False
(the default) a new container is created and returned. Note in that
mode dead data are copied to the same slot as the input unaltered.
This argument will be silently ignored if the input is an atomic
MsPASS seismic object.
:type overwrite_members: boolean
:param retain_dead_members: Controls how dead data are handled with
ensembles. When True (default) dead ensemble members are copied verbatim
to the output. When False they are silently deleted. (see above for
a more complete description). This argument is ignored for Atomic data.
:type retain_dead_members: boolean
:param object_history: boolean to enable or disable saving object
level history. Default is False. Note this functionality is
implemented via the mspass_func_wrapper decorator.
:param alg_name: When history is enabled this is the algorithm name
assigned to the stamp for applying this algorithm.
Default ("WindowData") should normally be just used.
Note this functionality is implemented via the mspass_func_wrapper decorator.
:param ald_id: algorithm id to assign to history record (used only if
object_history is set True.)
Note this functionality is implemented via the mspass_func_wrapper decorator.
:param dryrun:
Note this functionality is implemented via the mspass_func_wrapper decorator.
:param dryrun:
Note this functionality is implemented via the mspass_func_wrapper decorator.
:return: copy of d with sample range reduced to twin range. Returns
an empty version of the parent data type (default constructor) if
the input is marked dead
if isinstance(mspass_object, (TimeSeries, Seismogram)):
return WindowDataAtomic(
elif isinstance(mspass_object, (TimeSeriesEnsemble, SeismogramEnsemble)):
if mspass_object.dead():
return mspass_object
nlive = 0
if overwrite_members:
for i in range(len(mspass_object.member)):
if mspass_object.member[i].live:
mspass_object.member[i] = WindowDataAtomic(
if mspass_object.member[i].live:
nlive += 1
# when returning the original reference the
# retain_dead_members option is always True
# In this case this just creates a duplicate reference
ensout = mspass_object
Nmembers = len(mspass_object.member)
if isinstance(mspass_object, TimeSeriesEnsemble):
ensout = TimeSeriesEnsemble(Metadata(mspass_object), Nmembers)
ensout = SeismogramEnsemble(Metadata(mspass_object), Nmembers)
for i in range(len(mspass_object.member)):
if mspass_object.member[i].live:
d = WindowDataAtomic(
nlive += 1
elif retain_dead_members:
# always set live and let the next line kill it if nlive is 0 = True
if nlive == 0:
message = "All members of this ensemble were killed by WindowDataAtomic; ensemble returned will be marked dead"
ensout.elog.log_error("WindowData", message, ErrorSeverity.Invalid)
return ensout
message = (
"Illegal type for arg0={}. Must be a MsPASS seismic data object".format(
raise TypeError(message)
def WindowData_autopad(
Windows an atomic data object with automatic padding if the
undefined section is not too large.
When using numpy or MsPASS data arrays the : notation can be used
to drastically speed performance over using a python loop.
This function is most useful for contexts where the size of the
output of a window must exactly match what is expected from
the time range. A type example is a multichannel algorithm
where you need to use an API that loads a set of signals into
a matrix that is used as the workspace for processing. That is
the univeral model, for example, in seismic reflection processing.
This algorithm will silently zero pad any undefined samples
at the end of the window IF the fraction of undefined data relative to
the number of samples expected from the time range defined by
etime-stime is less than the "pad_fraction_cutoff". If
the input time span shorter than the computed mismatch limit
the result will be returned marked dead with an elog entry
highlighting the problem.
:param d: atomic MsPASS seismic data object to be windowed.
:type d: works with either `TimeSeries` or `Seismogram`
objects. Will raise a TypeError exception if d is not one of
the two atomic data types.
:param stime: start time of window range
:type stime: float
:param etime: end time of window range
:type etime: float
:param pad_fraction_cutoff: limit for the
fraction of data with undefined values before the datum is
killed. (see above) If set to 0.0 this is an expensive way
to behave the same as WindowData
:return: object of the same type as d. Will be marked dead
if the fraction of undefined data exceeds pad_fraction_cutoff.
Otherwise will return a data vector of constant size that may
be padded.
if not isinstance(d, (TimeSeries, Seismogram)):
message = "WindowData_autopad: arg0 must be either a TimeSeries or Seismogram object. Actual type={}".format(
raise TypeError(message)
N_expected = round((etime - stime) / d.dt) + 1
dw = WindowData(d, stime, etime)
if dw.dead():
# assumes default kills if stime and etime are not within data bounds
# in that situation the first call to WindowData will kill and we don't get here
dw = WindowData(d, stime, etime, short_segment_handling="truncate")
pad_fraction = abs(N_expected - dw.npts) / N_expected
if pad_fraction < pad_fraction_cutoff:
dw = WindowData(d, stime, etime, short_segment_handling="pad")
message = "time span of data is too short for cutoff fraction={}\n".format(
message += "padded_time_range/(etime-stime)={} is below cutoff".format(
dw.elog.log_error("WindowData_autopad", message, ErrorSeverity.Invalid)
return dw
# TODO: this function does not support history mechanism because the
# standard decorator is does not support a bound std::vector<TimeSeries>
# container. I requires one of the four MsPASS data objects.
[docs]def merge(
) -> TimeSeries:
Splices a vector of TimeSeries objects together and optionally carves
out a specified time window. It acts a bit like an obspy function
with the same name, but has completely different options and works
with native MsPASS TimeSeries objects.
This function is a workhorse for handling continuous data that are
universally stored today as a series of files. The input to this
function is an array of TimeSeries objects that are assummed to be
created from a set of data stored in such files. The data are assumed
to be from a common stream of a single channel and sorted so the
array index defines a time order. The algorithm attempts to glue the
segments together into a single time series that is returned.
The algorithm by default assumes the input is "clean" which means
the endtime of each input TimeSeries is 1 sample ahead of the start time
of the next segment (i.e. (segment[i+1].t0()-segment[i].endtime()) == dt).
The actual test is that the time difference is less than dt/2.
This algorithm treats two conditions as a fatal error and will throw
a MsPASSError when the condition occurs:
1. It checks that the input array of TimeSeries data are in
time order.
2. It checks that the inputs all have the same sample rate.
3. If fix_overlaps is False if an overlap is found it
is considered an exception.
Either of these conditions will cause the function to throw an
exception. The assumption is that either is a user error created
by failing to reading the directions that emphasize this requirement
for the input.
Other conditions can cause the output to be marked dead with an
error message posted to the output's elog attribute. These are:
1. This algorithm aims to produce an output with data stored in
a continuous vector with a length defined by the total time
span of the input. Naive use can create enormously long
vectors that would mostly be empty. (e.g. two random
day files with a 5 year difference in start time) The
algorithm refuses to try to merge data when the span exceeds
an internal threshold of 10^8 samples.
2. If fix_overlaps is false any overlap of successive endtime to
the next starttime of more than 0.5 samples will cause the
output to be killed. The assumption is such data have a
serious timing problem retained even after any cleaning.
The above illustrates that this function behaves differently and makes
different assumption if the argument check_overlaps is True or False.
False is faster because it bypasses the algorithm used to fix overlaps,
but is safer if your data is not perfectly clean in the sense of
lacking any timing issues or problem with duplicates. If the
fix_overlaps boolean is set True, the mspass overlap handler is
involked that is a C++ function with the name "repair_overlaps".
The function was designed only to handle the following common
situations. How they are handled is different for each situation.
1. Duplicate waveform segments spanning a common time interval
can exist in raw data and accidentally by indexing two copies
the same data. If the samples in the overlapping section
match the algorithm will attempt to remove the overlapping
section. The algorithm is known to work only for a pair of
pure duplicates and a smaller segment with a start time after
a more complete segment. It may fail if there are more than
three or more copies of the same waveform in the input or
one of the waveforms spans a smaller time range than the other
but has the same start time. The first is a gross user error.
The second should be rare an is conceivable only with raw
data where a packet or two was randomly saved twice - something
that shouldn't happen but could with flakey hardware.
2. If an overlap is detected AND the sample data in the overlap
are different the algorithm assumes the data have a timing
problem that created this situation. Our experience is this
situation only happens when an instrument has a timing problem.
All continuous data generating digitizers we know of use a
timing system slaved to an external reference (usually GPS time).
If the external signal is lost the clock drifts. When the
signal is restored if the digitizer detects a large time
jump it may reset (time jerk) to tag the next packet of data
with the updated time based on the standard. If that time
jump is forward it will leave an apparent gap in the data, which
we discuss below, but if the jump is backward it will leave an
apparent overlap with inconsistent samples. The
repair_overlaps function assumes that is the cause of all overlaps
it detects.
The final common situation this function needs to handle is gaps. A
gap is defined in this algorithm as any section where the endtime of
one segment is followed by a start time of the next segment that is
more than 1 sample in duration. Specifically when
(segment[i+1].t0()-segment[i].endtime()) > 1.5*dt
The result depends on values of the (optional) windowing arguments
starttime and endtime and the boolean "zero_gaps" argument.
If windowing is enabled (done by changing
default None values of starttime and endtime) any gap will be harmless
unless it is present inside the specified time time range. In all
cases what happens to the output depends upon the boolean zero_gaps.
When zero_gaps is False any gaps detected within the output range of
the result (windowed range if specified but the full time of the input otherwise)
When set True gap sections will be zeroed in the output data vector.
All outputs with gaps that have been zeroed will have the boolean
Metadata attribute "has_gap" set True and undefined otherwise.
When the has_data attribute is set true the tap windows will be
stored as a list of "TimeWindow" objects with the Metadata key "gaps".
:param tsvector: array of TimeSeries data that are to be spliced
together to create a single output. The contents must all have
the same sample rate and be sorted by starttime.
:type tsvector: expected to be a TimeSeriesVector, which is the name
we give in the pybind11 code to a C++ std:vector<TimeSeries> container.
Any iterable container of TimeSeries data will be accepted, however,
with a loss of efficiency. e.g. it could be a list of TimeSeries
data but if so another copy of the created internally and passed
to the ccore function that does the work. We recommend custom
applications use the TimeSeriesVector container directly but
many may find it more convenient to bundle data into a TimeSeriesEnsemble
and use the member attribute of the ensemble as the input.
i.e. if ens is a TimeSeriesEnsemble use something like this:
outdata = merge(ens.member)
:param starttime: (optional) start time to apply for windowing the
output. Default is None which means the output will be created
as the merge of all the inputs. When set WindowData is applied
with this start time. Note if endtime is defined but starttime
is None windowing is enabled with starttime = earliest segment start time.
:type starttime: double - assumed to be a UTC time expressed as a unix
epoch time.
:param endtime: (optional) end time to apply for windowing the
output. Default is None which means the output will be created
as the merge of all the inputs. When set WindowData is applied
with this end time. Note if starttime is defined but endtime
is None windowing is enabled with endtime = latest end time of
all segments.
:type endtime: double - assumed to be a UTC time expressed as a unix
epoch time.
:param fix_overlaps: when set True (default is False) if an overlap
is detected the algorithm will attempt to repair the overlap
to yield a continuous time series vectgor if it determined to have
matching data. See description above for more details.
:type fix_overlaps: boolean
:param zero_gaps: When set False, which is the default, any gaps
detected in the output window will cause the return to be marked
dead. When set True, gaps will be zeroed and with a record of
gap positions posted to the Metadata of the output. See above
for details.
:param zero_gaps: boolean controlling how gaps are to be handled.
See above for details of the algorithm.
:type zero_gaps: boolean (default False)
:param object_history: boolean to enable or disable saving object
level history. Default is False. Note this functionality is
implemented via the mspass_func_wrapper decorator.
:return: TimeSeries in the range defined by the time span of the input
vector of segments or if starttime or endtime are specified a reduced
time range. The result may be marked dead for a variety of reasons
with error messages explaining why in the return elog attribute.
if not isinstance(tsvector, TimeSeriesVector):
# We assume this will throw an exception if tsvector is not iterable
# or doesn't contain TimeSeries objects
dvector = TimeSeriesVector()
for d in tsvector:
dvector = tsvector
if fix_overlaps:
dvector = repair_overlaps(dvector)
spliced_data = splice_segments(dvector, object_history)
if spliced_data.dead():
# the contents of spliced_data could be huge so best to
# do this to effectively clear the data vector
return TimeSeries(spliced_data)
window_data = False
output_window = TimeWindow()
if starttime is None:
output_window.start = spliced_data.t0
output_window.start = starttime
window_data = True
if endtime is None:
output_window.end = spliced_data.endtime()
output_window.end = endtime
window_data = True
if window_data:
if spliced_data.has_gap(output_window):
if zero_gaps:
spliced_data = _post_gap_data(spliced_data)
"Data have gaps in output range; will be killed",
return WindowData(
if spliced_data.has_gap():
if zero_gaps:
spliced_data = _post_gap_data(spliced_data)
"merged data have gaps; output will be killed",
return TimeSeries(spliced_data)
def _post_gap_data(d):
Private function used by merge immediately above. Takes an input
d that is assumed (no testing is done here) to be a TimeSeriesWGaps
object. It pulls gap data from d and posts the gap data to d.
It then returns d. It silently does nothing if d has not gaps defined.
if d.has_gap():
d["has_gap"] = True
twlist = d.get_gaps()
# to allow the result to more cleanly stored to MongoDB we
# convert the window data to list of python dictionaries which
# mongo will use to create subdocuments
gaps = []
for tw in twlist:
g = {"starttime": tw.start, "endtime": tw.end}
d["gaps"] = gaps
return d
[docs]class TopMute:
A top mute is a form of taper applied to the "front" of a signal.
Front in standard jargon means that with the time axis running from
left to right (normal unless your native language is Arabic) the time
period on the left side of a plot. Data tagged at times less than what we
call the zero time here are always zeroed. The mute defines a ramp function
running from the zero time to the "one" time. In the ramp zone the
ramp function multiplies the sample data so it is a form of "taper" as
used in Fourier analysis. This class should normally only be used on data with the time
reference type set Relative. It can be applied to UTC time standard data but
with such data one of these objects would often need to be created for
each atomic data object, which would be horribly inefficient. In most
cases conversion to relative time is an essential step before using
this algorithm.
This implementation uses an "apply" method for processing data.
That means for a parallel construct instead of the symbol for a function
you use the apply method as a function call. (e.g. if tm is an is an
instance of this class and "d" is a TimeSeries or Seismogram object to be
muted the function call that applies the mute would be ts.apply(d))
def __init__(self, t0=0.0, t1=0.5, type="cosine"):
Creates a TopMute object for application to MsPASS data objects.
The constructor is a pythonic front end to the C++ version of this
class (it the same name in C++ but the binding code maps the C++
name to _TopMute). The args are the same but this wrapper allows
keywords and removes positional requirements as usual in python.
:param t0: time of end of zeroing period of top Mute
:param t1: time of end of taper zone when the multiplier goes to 1
:param type: form of ramp (currently must be either "linear" or "cosine")
# This call will throw a MsPASSError exception if the parameters
# are mangled but we let that happen in this context assuming a
# constructor like this is created outside any procesisng loop
self.processor = _TopMute(t0, t1, type)
self.t0 = t0
[docs] def apply(self, d, object_history=False, instance=None):
Use thie method to apply the defined top mute to one of the MsPASS
atomic data objects. The method does a sanity check on the input
data range. If the starttime of the data is greater than t0 for
the mute the datum is killed and an error posted to elog. The
reason is in that situation the data would be completely zeroed
anyway and it is better to define it dead and leave an error message
than to completely null data.
:param d: input atomic MsPASS data object (TimeSeries or Seismogram)
:object_history: It set true the function will add define this
step as an map operation to preserve object level history.
(default is False)
:param instance: string defining the "instance" of this algorithm.
This parameter is needed only if object_history is set True. It
is used to define which instance of this algrithm is being applied.
(In the C++ api this is what is called the algorithm id). I can
come from the global history manager or be set manually.
if not isinstance(d, TimeSeries) and not isinstance(d, Seismogram):
raise MsPASSError(
"TopMute.apply: usage error. Input data must be a TimeSeries or Seismogram object",
if d.dead():
return d
if d.t0 > self.t0:
"Data start time is later than time of mute zero zone\n"
+ "Datum killed as this would produce a null signal",
if object_history:
if instance == None:
"Undefined instance argument - cannot save history data",
elif d.is_empty():
"Error log is empty. Cannot be extended without a top level entry",
if isinstance(d, Seismogram):